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Does the broker still need to provide the Mortgage Broker Agreement if no finder's fee is charged?

According to a regulator at the Office of the Commissioner of Financial Regulation, if the broker will not be receiving/charging a finder's fee, the Mortgage Broker Agreement will still need to be provided to the borrower to show that the broker will not be receiving/charging any finder's fee.  The agreement will then also need to display a "0" dollar amount in the blank fee fields.  

Does the State of Wisconsin consider the Mortgage Insurance Premium (MIP) as part of the high cost test?

Our article regarding the Wisconsin high cost test is available online here.  As the article states, the Wisconsin high cost test is virtually identical to the federal Section 32 high cost test, with the exceptions that Wisconsin's high cost test covers more loans and reduces the points and fees threshold to 6%.  The federal Section 32 high cost test includes mortgage insurance as a point and fee and as a result so does the Wisconsin high cost test.  Therefore, mortgage insurance is not excludable and will be taken into account.

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